Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Updated DemoReel

Please feel free to leave any comments about how it looks. I want to make it better.


Kat & Joe said...

Joe is this more recent than the one from last night? Looks good. I like the flow of it better. You decided to show less stuff? Can't wait to see you when you get home.

Ty Carter said...

looking great joe!

Jocelyn said...

Wow joe this is amazing!!!! You have some incredible stuff for your demo reel. Great presentation, too. The only thing I think you could change is the text that appears on the figure drawing section- right now it's white, but because the newsprint is also really pale, it's hard to read so maybe you should make it black.

Chelsea Stebar said...

Looks pretty awesome, man. You've got a lot of solid work on there.

Creswell-Hyde Away said...

I love looking at your work!

Joel Deehr said...

joe I think something that would make it look better is if you put that one picture of your dad you showed in class at the very start.

Joel Deehr said...

but really nice stuff !!! :)

prashant said...

I like the flow of it better.
Work from home India